Our Team

Our Team

Lead Pastor

David Emery

Rev. David Emery has served as our Lead Pastor since 2020. David is a passionate preacher, compassionate pastor, and adept leader whose understanding of the Gospel and vision for the church help our congregation fulfill our mission to live and love like Jesus. David has a reputation for growing churches, reaching new people, and transforming lives in every church he has served throughout his ministry, which includes congregations in Arkansas, Texas, and Kentucky. He holds a Master’s of Divinity from Vanderbilt. If you were to ask David what his favorite scripture passage is, he would tell you: “Whatever I’m preaching on this week!” An avid runner and multiple-marathoner, when David isn’t on the trail or in the pulpit, he enjoys spending time with his wife, Teresa, and their children and grandchildren.
Pastoral Staff

Kevin Howe

Executive Pastor
Rev. Kevin Howe joined the Harvard Avenue staff in 2014. In his role as Executive Pastor, Kevin oversees the operational and administrative aspects of ministry at Harvard Avenue, like strategic planning, human resources, and finances to ensure that the church mission and vision are supported. With a Bachelor’s Degree from Texas Christian University and a Master’s of Divinity from Brite Divinity School, Kevin is a proud and loud Horned Frog sports fan. He is also passionate about mission and outreach, having served as a missionary to Honduras through Global Ministries. When he isn’t spending time at Harvard Avenue, Kevin can be found enjoying the great outdoors, hanging at the climbing gym, and spending time with his wife, Jodi, and their two sons.

Whitney Waller

Discipleship Pastor
Rev.Whitney Waller joined the Harvard Avenue staff in 2023. In her role as Discipleship Pastor, Whitney focuses on her favorite parts of ministry: evangelism, spiritual formation, hospitality, mission, and outreach. She is a graduate of Texas Christian University and Yale Divinity School. Whitney enjoys spending time with her family, listening to live music, and writing.

Denise McKinney

Family Pastor
Rev. Denise McKinney joined the Harvard Avenue staff in 2024. In her role as Family Pastor,

Kayla Canfield

Director of Youth Ministry

Lyndsee Rentfrow

Director of Children's Ministry

Parker Ferrell

Modern Worship Leader

Parker Ferrell is our our Modern Worship Leader. Parker began serving as the Modern Worship Leader at Harvard Avenue in 2022. He has a huge heart for worship and encourages participation over performance when leading the congregation and band during our 9:30am Modern Worship service. Parker has been involved in the Tulsa music scene since he was in high school, playing in countless bands. You can find his solo project, “Love Runs Through,” inspired by his love for his wife Lauren, their children, and life’s blessings on Apple Music and Spotify.

Kelly Ford

Traditional Music Director
Kelly Ford joined the Harvard Avenue music team in January 2016. His work as the Traditional Music Director encompasses the direction of music in our traditional worship service including creation of special music, congregational music development and direction of our chancel choir. Along with a Bachelor’s Degree in Sacred Music, Kelly brings a wealth of experience leading large church choirs in Tulsa and a number of special concerts and programs at local universities. Kelly sings professionally at corporate events, with recording groups, and in local bands and entertainment venues. Kelly and his wife Vickie have been married for over 35 years and together have two sons, Dewey and Dillon.

Cathy Venable

Cathy Venable joined the Harvard Avenue music ministry team in March 2020. Not just a local Tulsa favorite, but a nationally-known pianist, vocalist, conductor, and flutist, Cathy came home to Tulsa as Broadway touring companies went on hiatus in the spring of 2020 … and we’re so fortunate she chose to stay! Cathy is our Worship Accompanist and also sings with our A Capella and chamber ensembles.

Ashley Pease

Communications Director
Ashley Pease has been part of the Harvard Avenue congregation since 2016. She has worn a variety of hats as both a volunteer and employee. Since 2022, Ashley has worked as Communications Director, overseeing internal and external communications with the congregation. Ashley loves her job because she gets to be creative while working alongside fun, faithful, and interesting people. Ashley is joined by her husband Daniel and their son Ezra.

Bud Hart

Facilities Manager
Bud Hart began working as the Facilities Manager at Harvard Avenue in 2022. A former marine with extensive managerial experience and problem solving skills, Bud keeps our building organized, safe, and well-maintained for congregational and community use.

John Morrow

Finance Director

Chris Beck

Discipleship Administrator

Amanda Galan


In addition to our talented and dynamic staff, Harvard Avenue Christian Church has an incredible group of volunteer leaders in elected Congregational Leadership positions.

2024-2025 Congregational Leaders